Sacred Saturday Seminars on February 2, 2013
at The Institute for Transpersonal Studies, Santa Cruz, CA"Be the Love You Seek"
Saturday Morning, February 2, 2013 9:30-1:15 pm $35Using NLP, hypnosis and self inquiry we will journey to dissolve the blocks
and allow our true nature to emerge. Are you tired of the old beliefs such as when you say to yourself, "I'm not loveable -- I'm not good enough -- Something is wrong with me?" Ready to let go of them? Join us at this seminar to learn to build internal resources of confidence and self love. Forgive yourself for judging and Love Who You Are!
"A Sacred Journey Into Your Being"
Saturday Afternoon, February 2, 2013 1:30-5:30 pm $35Breath Workshop
Join us for an experiential process that can release what is not You. Breathwork lifts the veils (of conditioning) so you can have a direct experience of the recognition of yourself as Spirit appearing as a human being. Give yourself the gift of basking in the Divine Radiance of your own Being with kindred Spirits.
at The Institute for Transpersonal Studies
420 Happy Valley Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95065
Please email or call 831.425.7837 if you plan to attend. Space is limited.
About Sacred Saturday Seminars:
In 2013 we will be offering "Sacred Saturday Seminars" on the first Saturday of every other month. You can come to a morning or afternoon or both. The morning will be devoted to transforming beliefs with NLP, Hypnosis and Self Inquiry. In the afternoon we will be utilizing Breath work to release our most tenuous issues and receive their gifts. As many of you have experienced, these Sacred Journeys allow our Spirits to soar!
2013 Sacred Saturday Seminars Schedule:
February 2, April 6, June 1, August 3, October 5, December 7
(First Saturday of every other month)
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